Can you suggest some easy to grow flowering vines?

I’m looking for easy to grow flowering vines, in an area that gets some sun (but not full sun) but not full shade. I live in Cheltenham, PA.


Clematis would be my first choice.  There are many varieties that would do well.  Check with a good gardening center to see what is available.  Climbing hydrangea is another good possibility.  You might consider trumpet vines as well.  Are you trying to cover a fence?  Polygonum silver lace vine  is a prodigious grower and covers fences quickly.

For more information, search the McLean Library catalog (link below) using the keyword "vines" (no quotes).

See also our resource guide on ornamental landscape plants.

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 217
  • Answered By Janet Evans

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