Will changing from organic to inorganic fertilizer burn my lawn?
Usually it is not the fertilizer that is the problem. Lawns that we like are monocultures which is against the laws of nature, hence, weeds. However, you can do something about improving your lawn organically; one of the most important things you can do is aerate the lawn (this requires an aerator which pulls little plugs of grass out of the ground (you need to hire someone to do this as the machine is very heavy although you can rent one if you are feeling strong and can put it in your car to transport it). After the lawn is aerated, spread milorganite (it is organic) on the lawn after you have removed patches of weeds (optional but helpful) and reseed the lawn. If you miss the spring seeding, wait until late August to rake and seed your lawn. This should noticeably improve your lawn. Weeds like compacted soil, which is what you have if you don’t aerate. Fertilizing is best done in the fall if at all. You are probably using corn gluten now as it is organic but takes a long time any several applications to show results. It is a good product but you need to be patient with it.