Can you suggest some flowering vine in full sun?

I tore out a trumpet vine, ants covered it and I have several clematis vines.South and west side of house, shade in am only, under kitchen window, to cover the trellis. Thanks!


My immediate thought is to plant a climbing hydrangea.  Are you familiar with these plants?  I had one when we lived in Rockville, MD.  It was on a wall on the west side of the house. Here are some facts for you:

Hydrangea anomala petiolaris is one of the best of the ornamental vines and useful because it will grow and flower even in a northern exposure. This is a large heavy vine that requires a very sturdy support. Reddish brown, peeling bark is attractive in the winter.

CULTURE: Full sun or shade; needs afternoon shade in the Deep South and in western Zones 9 and 10. Plant in rich, moisture-retentive, well-drained soil. Climbs with the aid of rootlike holdfasts, which cling to almost any surface. Climbing Hydrangea's growth habit is unusual for a vine, because plants have lateral branches that will grow out as much as 3 ft from the supporting structure, giving a rich, deep texture that is quite unlike that of other vines, which more typically twine up a narrow support.

Prune as needed after bloom. No major insect or disease problems. Over-watering is a chief reason for losses. Space 5-10' apart.

GROWTH: Slow growing for first 2 or 3 years, but vigorous and fast growing once established (this is an example of that old gardener's saying about vines: first it sleeps, then it creeps, then it leaps. A little patience will be amply rewarded.). May take 3-5 years to start blooming.

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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