What type of ornamental tree do you recommend for Pittsburg, PA. We have a large space but want a small ornamental tree.

How much would it cost? We are replacing a maple tree that was recently removed. We don't have overhead power lines to contend with.


I would suggest  a dogwood.  Red Twig Dogwoods are particularly beautiful and provide much interest in the winter landscape, with beautiful red branches and twigs, as well as interest during the regular growth season.  These are considered to be shrubs, as they grow to only about 6 - 8 feet high.  Other red dogwood varieties would be possible choices as well.  The cultivated red dogwoods are not susceptible to the anthracnose that have been a blight on the white native dogwoods.  I also love the Cornus Kousa dogwoods, which are extremely showy when in bloom in the late spring. This tree also has a lovely exfoliating bark. The Kousa dogwood is sometimes also called "Chinese dogwood",Korean Dogwood, or Japanese dogwood.  Consider also Japanese maples, which are stunning.  There are so many varieties, many foliage colors and textures, and many choices of height and spread.  Paperbark Maples are also lovely with beautiful exfoliating bark.  However they  may be too large for your preference as they grow from 15 - 30 feet tall, with as wide a spread.  Go to a good garden center close to your home.  You should be able to see a good, wide selection, and get good advice and a range of prices from the staff.  Enjoy your choice.

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 62
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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