I am a novice gardener looking for an espalier or some sort of vine that grows well on a trellis to hide an ugly brick wall.

Needs to grow well in the shade. Would welcome any direction. Thanks in advance for your help!


For your shady area, an espalier of a variegated ivy, such as 'Golden Heart' would be effective. You would have to train it to the desired shape.   But beware many of the other variegated ones that aren't hardy around here.  You also could try Lonicera sempervirens 'Major Wheeler,' or 'Crimson Cascade.' (Honeysuckle).  They are more mildew resistant with the shade.  They won't bloom as well in the shade, also, but are a nice native.  Clematis niobe and C. montana are also more shade tolerant, are nice alone or could be trained to wind through another plant. We hesitate to recommend English ivy as it becomes rampant and often invasive. If you have a very sturdy support you could try climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris.  But look up the cautions on the internet. Also, they take a few years to get established.

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 116
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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