Do you know of a book or books, with a monthly guideline for managing a residential property of perennial beds, shrubs, trees, lawn?
Track down Liz Ball's books:
Month-by-month gardening in Pennsylvania, c2001.
The Philadelphia garden book : a gardeners guide for the Delaware Valley, 1999.
These books are in our library and PHS members can borrow them. Let us know if you'd like to do that.
Patricia Schrieber, horticulturist and director of education here at PHS writes a twice monthly column for the Philadelpha Inquirer called It's Time to... -- in which Patricia writes about what can be done in the garden at that time. Here's a link a Google search on her columns that show links to recent ones.
You may also want to check out our subject guide called the Philadelphia Gardening Guide (link below). Use this guide to learn where to buy plants, what to grow, how to connect with other gardeners and where to learn more.