How do I tell if my fig tree is still alive?

Hello! I have an outdoor fig tree as does my mom. We live 50 miles apart, she is out the Jersey Shore and I am in Bucks County.
Neither one of our trees survived the winter, we think. The tree never bloomed this summer at all. If I bend the branches there is some give to it, and if broken you can see green, but we have had nothing else. My tree is about six feet tall and I did trim it back last fall. My mother's is 2 stories high and she does nothing to hers. Both of these trees were taken from an original one owned by my father when I was a little girl 50 years ago. When he died and my mother moved each of us took a shoot from the fig tree to keep. I have had this tree 10 years and this is the first year it has not bloomed.
I am hoping there is some life in it yet, because there is a shoot that grew about 10 inches tall next to the tree, and that is doing beautifully.
Please tell me how to save my tree and my mother's!
Thank you!


Dear Marcia:  Have patience!  It sounds like the tree may be coming up from its roots.  This is good as you at least will still have the tree from your father.  It maybe be that you will get some growth from the branches, so give the branches a little more time as there is still green in them.  If you do not get any gowth in the branches, you may have to prune the dead wood out and grow the tree up from its roots.

  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2021
  • Views 273
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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