Is Equisetum hyemale invasive in a home garden in Pennsylvania?

I have a modern landscape and the landscaper just planted loads of them. I read online that it is difficult to contain even with root barriers and that alternatives should be considered.


Carolyn, yes this equisetum is very invasive in our area.  Although it is not on the PA invasive species list, it is in some states.  Once it is established it extremely difficult to eradicate.  No wonder as it has been around since dinosaur times.  It was planted years ago along parts of the Colorado River to stabilize the shore line and now it has overtaken many of the native species and continues to thwart attempts to eradicate it.  I can't even suggest a subsititue for your contemporary garden.  Even the "bunching" bamboo can overtake a garden without much effort.  How about an upright evergreen such as the holly Ilex 'Skypencil'?


  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2021
  • Views 73
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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