I am a member of a community garden and want to know whether growing alfafa or mulching when fallow is the best option.

Some of us want to let it lay fallow for a year and plant it with alfalfa to help regenerate it. Others think that's a total waste. It has been under cultivation for over 30 years. Others feel that just working in some mulch will be more than adequate.
Which way do you think we should go?
The garden is in Jenkintown PA not far from Meadowbrook farm. The meadow that its in used to be a golf course. There was a devastating tomato blight last year, 2014.


Dear Jim:  I suspect if you work a lot of compost into the soil you will also be able to regenerate the soil and not miss a growing season.  Each year you should probably work in some good compost to restore the soil and prepare it for that years garden.  Compost will add the nutrients needed and repair the soil.  When growing your tomatoes from seed or buying your tomato plants, select disease resistant varieties.  That should help with blight problems.  

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Janet Evans

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