My weeping cherry tree has no sign of any flowers or leaves. However, there spouts of leafs coming out of the trunk. why?
We planted two trees last summer, they had leaves but not very good ones,which fell off in the fall. We made sure that they both had plenty of water and they are in an area where they get plenty of sunshine. I don't know if the "leaves" on the trunk are a sign that the tree is alive, or if it's a bad sign, and they should be snipped off.
I suspect that the cherry tree may be a grafted tree (a desireable tree attached to the trunk of a stronger tree) and that the graft may have failed. The sprouts along the trunk are from below the graft. That part of the tree is alive. The upper part of the tree is the grafted part which is what you want. It may simply be late in leafing out. Give it a little more time. If it does not leaf out, I would go back to the nursery where you bought it and have them evaluate the tree. Since the lower part of the tree is leafing out, the problem was not lack of care or water.