What is attacking my pachysandra and will it spread?

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You probably have Volutella blight of Pachysandra.  It is a common problem of Pachysandra in the northeast.  The fungus is frequently present in all Pachysandra beds but is not a problem until the plants are stressed, or overpacked with leaf debris.  Fungicides can be used, but in addition, the ill plant material should be pruned out and the debris under and around the ill plants cleaned out to remove as much of the infected matter as possible.  In some cases, the bed of Pachysandra is mowed, raked and then the Pachysandra allowed to regrow.  Fungicides can be used such as an organic option, Serenade. If you go on line, and type in Volutella Blight of Pachysandra, you will see pictures and methods of control.

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 73
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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