Can you recommend about 6 iron-clad trees?

Full sun--dry conditions in an open lot. Don't worry about wires above the trees.
We are going for shade trees and smaller ornamentals (Redbud probably).
Just looking for some great cultivars. Native and non-natives. Low/no maintenance.
I used to do commercial landscaping, but it has been a while. Wondering what cultivars.
I have a couple of projects where people are asking my advice.
I don't want them to plant the wrong thing. I know ash is out of the question.
I hope you can help. Now they tell me they need an answer by the end of this week...if possible.
I guess there is always Thornless Honeylocust--what cvs. do you recommend these days?


Nothing is ironclad but there are a number of shade trees and ornamental smaller trees. The larger ones are as follows: Zelkova serrata 'Green Vase' or if unavailable, 'Village Green', Gleditsia triacanthus variety inermis, Liquidambar styraciflua 'Rotundiloba' (which is fruitless) and Ginko biloba. Syringa reticulata and Prunus x incan 'Okame' are two smaller trees you could recommend.

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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