I would like to move some hostas and other shade-loving perennials.

I plan to move them from a garden in the suburbs to my north-facing balconies in Center City, Philadelphia What sorts of pots must I use so they return in the spring? How else should I protect them so they survive and thrive? Thanks.


For your hosta, plastic decorative pots are best as they don't crack in the winter.  Be sure they have an unobstructed drain hole and that you plant them at the same height as they were growing in the garden.  It would be best if you could transplant them now so they can get their roots set.  Also, the pots need to be kept slightly moist over the winter.  Then keep them near the building and away from strong winds when they start to grow in the spring.  ep

  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 72
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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