I have a Jade plant that has a trunk width of 14 and one half inches.

I have re-potted it several times and have had to cut it back multiple times. At present it is in a 21 inch pot. I feel like it is running out of growth room and I don't want to continue to cut it back. What should I do? I love this Jade and have had it for over twenty years. Please help!!!!


Jade plants are remarably resilient. A 14-inch plant in a 21-inch pot should be very happy. As long as it is not unstable, I wouldn't worry about the plant. You can selectively prune rather than do heavy pruning to keep it in a good shape. Potting up to a larger pot is also a future option, but I would not be a hurry to do that. Apparently you are following a good watering practice and I would continue that. Over-watering is the bigest risk at this point.


  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 30
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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