What can be done to save this hydrangea tree?
Our son bought a house last year with a well-established hydrangea tree. It bloomed beautifully last summer, but this year has a lot of dead wood and looks awful. What can they do to save it? I can send photos, if that would help.
Hydrangeas typically have some deadwood caused by winter weather. Normally deadwood can be cut out and new growth will fill in and the plant will be attractive. With a hydrangea tree, there is concern that removing the deadwood will cause the tree to lose its shape and will not recover its attractiveness.
First step is to be certain that the branches are dead, by scratching the bark. If its green underneath it will recover. If not, you need to assess that pruning out the deadwood will not destroy the canape. New growth will indicate where balancing cuts need to be made to shape the tree. It may be necessary to create a new crown, by pruning the main trunk below the deadwood.
A picture would help in making this determinatin.