Are these vegetables safe to eat?
My in-laws had to have strong outside pest control chemicals for fleas, mosquitoes, etc, sprayed outside their home into the soil around the perimeter of their house. They have a fenced area outside where their vegetable patch is. The chemicals were not sprayed directly into the soil where the vegetables are growing but along the fenced area near the perimeter. Also, the vegetables were half grown by then so would they be okay to eat? If not, will the soil be ruined for a few years because of that too? Please get back to me when you get a chance.
Dear Gardener: It is difficult to answer without knowing what pesticide was used. Call the pesticide company and ask:
Was there enough wind that day to have spray drift over to the vegetable garden?(Usually they note on their record sheet the wind at the time of spraying.)
What did they use? Then look up online for specifics for that pesticide: how long is it active? most important, what are the precautions that the manufacturer recommends?