Do you have basic guidelines for planting Shrubs? Size of hole, soil prep, amendments?


Nancy, first of all this isn't a good time of year to plant shrubs.  It is too hot, even if kept watered.  It is better to leave them in the pot and keep them watered until after Labor Day.  Then dig a hole that is 2-3 inches deeper and 3-4 inches wider than the outside of the pot. I put down a cloth to put the soil on so that I have it without it disappearing into the surrounding soil.  Score (make deep cuts) in the side of the hole so the roots can more easily get out to the existing soil. Soak, in a large container, the plant in the pot in a 1/2 strength of Miracle-Gro solution to be sure the soil is soaked through.  Also pour the solution over the top of the  soil until there are no more bubbles of air coming up. Then put a little fertilizer, 10-10-10, sprinkled in the hole and stirred up, and put a little on the soil you are refilling the hole with.  You can stir in  some commercial garden soil at this point to the hole and the refill soil.  If you are planting something that likes acid soil use fertilizer for acid loving plants.  Put the plant (out of the pot) in the hole.  Check to be sure soil level of  the plant that was in the pot will sit about one inch above the existing garden soil level.  You may need to add more soil to the bottom of the hole.  You then may add water to the hole and refill hole around the plant, pressing down gently to remove air holes.  It is recommended that most of the soil you are filling with be the native soil to help the plant acclimate to the existing soil. Then add about one inch of mulch but keep it 1-2 inches away from the stem.  Best of luck and happy gardening!  ep


  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2021
  • Views 52
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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