Hi- I am pretty sure my Red Horse Chestnut has leaf blotch however I read that this typically happens with wet Springs.

Obviously it's very hot summer right now so I'm not sure if maybe it is leaf scorch instead. My question is how to tell the difference and also treat for leaf blotch if that is what it is. It is still a very young tree.

Thank you!


Liza, chestnuts are very prone to both of these diseases, plus more, regardless of the weather!  But they are tough trees and should be ok next year so treatment isn't usually recommended.  If you want to help the tree, give it a deep watering every week or two in the summer, but don't flood it!  Thanks for contacting PHS.  ep

  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2021
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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