I am inspired to create a terrarium-or two! What do I need to use for planting materials ( sand, stone other?) so the plants will thrive?

I would like to make one with just cactus plants, another with things like pelargonium. Thanks!


Drainage is important for any terrarium.  If the terrarium is see-through, line the bottom of the terrarium with sheet sphagnum. Then add a layer of gardening charcoal, a layer of small stores and then the potting soil appropriate to either cactus (sandy potting soil with perlite mixed in, available in most garden centers) or for pelargonium, regular potting soil. 

It is unusual to have cactus in a terraruim as they usually don't need the humidity that a terrarium provides.  

  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2021
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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