I was hoping I could get in contact with someone that could help me with some information I need concerning the start up of a small school garden.
Any information would be extremely helpful! Thank you!
We have a Green City Teachers program open to any adult working with students. Green City Teachers is an innovative training program that enables Philadelphia educators to start school gardens.
Learn more about Green City Teachers and register for the Fall training here.
Have you looked through the subject guides we've put together on gardening with children?
Go to the main subject guides page and click on "Children"
Suggest you look at Arden Bucklin-Sporer. How to grow a school garden : a complete guide for parents and teachers / Portland, Or. : Timber Press, 2010. We have it here in the PHS McLean library both as a print book and an eBook and I'm attaching a chapter for you, with lists of easy school garden crops.
All listed in the subject guide are available in the PHS library. You may want to consider becoming a PHS member as members have borrowing privileges from our library.