Hi! I planted a peach tree 5 years ago and now its starting to produce fruit ,but it seems as if all the fruit are turning brown like rotten . Is

Hi! I planted a peach tree 5 years ago and now its starting to produce fruit ,but it seems as if all the fruit are turning brown like rotten . Is this normal or is this a disease of some king
What can I do to make my peach tree the " contender " variety more healthy and productive ? also what plants attract bees ? thanks greg


Your tree has brown rot fungus but should be able to be rescued. Remove all the diseased peaches and twigs before appplying an all purpose fruit tree fungiside. For future control remove all the fruit at the end of harvest including damaged or rotton fruit and twigs that have fallen to the ground and burn them. Use fungicide regularly in early spring before flower buds appear and reapply every two to three weeks until the blossoms fade. Resume fungiside when fruit gets it's first blush of color (2 to3 weeks before harvest). Prune tree for maximum air circulation and sunlight.

  • Last Updated Jan 25, 2021
  • Views 11
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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