Can anyone provide info or resources regarding the containment or removal of bamboo (Dragon Head Bamboo) from a property?

I need to contain, based on ordinance passed by Haverford Township. Bamboo is roughly a 40' x 50' "L", adjoining 4 properties, run in and along multiple fences, under power lines, fun fun fun.


Dear Gardener:  This is a difficult problem as you already know.  If you Google "Containment of Bamboo"  you will find several sites, but the best one seems to be "Wiki How to do Anything".   There are details and pictures.   All methods require labor and patience.   The site even suggests maybe hiring a professional!!!   Bamboo is a real problem, but not hopeless if you follow the advice on the web site above.  If you are eradication all the bamboo, not just containing it, be sure to watch for newly emerging shoots.  If you mow them down immediately or hit them with a glyphosphate herbicide, or even boiling water, you will prevent photosynthesis and thus the strength to continue to grow.  


  • Last Updated Jan 08, 2019
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Aska Gardener

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