What squash varieties are native to Southeastern Pennsylvania?


Squashes and pumpkins (Curcurbita) are New World plants, cultivated by Native Americans as far back as 10,000 years ago, making this group of plants the oldest and most dispersed of the New World species, so arguably, any squash you grow is native.

If your question is "are there heirloom squash from the Southeastern PA area?" the answer is "yes."

William Woys Weaver, in his book Heirloom Vegetable Gardening lists the following:

Blue Mountain, a Native American squash grown among the Pennsylvania Dutch

Appoquinimink Winter Pumpkin, a Native American variety indigenous to the Delmarva Peninsula (Delaware)

Dunkard Bottle Squash - originating from the Dunkard (Church of the Brethern) community in Bucks County, PA

Pattypan or Cymling Squash -  grown by Native Americans living on the east coast from Virginia to New England

Summer Crookneck Squash, native to New Jersey, grown by Jefferson

The Weaver book is here in our library, with many other books on vegetable gardening, including Amy Goldman's The Compleat Squash: a Passionate Grower's Guide to Pumpkins, Squashes and Gourds.

If you are a PHS member you can borrow these and many other books from our library, or download our thousands of eBooks.

Let me know if you have additional questions.

  • Last Updated Feb 04, 2021
  • Views 893
  • Answered By Janet Evans

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