How do I access the McLean Library's eBooks?

I'm a PHS member, and I know I have access to thousands of terrific eBooks on gardening, but I've never done this before. How do I do this?


 Go to McLean Library page on website:

  • At PHSonline home menu, go to For Gardeners =>PHS McLean Library=> takes you to library page. (you may want to bookmark this page)  Or, simply Google phs mclean library.

On McLean Library page,  

  • Click on the link Explore the library's eBook collection - this takes you to the ProQuest Ebook Central sign-in page. Sign in by entering your membership number printed on your membership card. Can't find your card? See contact information at the end of this answer.

That is all you need to access the eBook database. Once there, use search terms to bring up results. 

You can read and search the books online, which is what most users do with this system, because most users do not read gardening books cover to cover. You can also download chapters to read or, if you wish,  download the entire book and borrow for designated period ranging from 7-21 days. 

Here is a 3 minute YouTube tutorial from our vendor on accessing eBooks

eBook help here  (this is available once you sign in with your membership number). 

I'm happy to set up an appointment with you to walk you through this process over the phone. 

Janet Evans

PHS McLean Library

Can't find your card? Not sure if you are a PHS member? ProQuest not recognizing your membership number?

Contact me at  or phone 215-988-8782 - be sure to leave message with email address and phone number. 




  • Last Updated Jul 12, 2024
  • Views 333
  • Answered By Janet Evans

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