Need suggestions for shrubs

Need suggestions for shrubs
2 trees were cut down from the front of my house to install solar panels. I want to plant new shrubs to shade and screen the front of my house and porch while providing habitat and food for wildlife with native plants. They can’t be taller than my house so as not to shade the solar panels. I was thinking of winterberry, mountain laurel and possibly an evergreen like a cedar. What would you suggest. I have 25 feet of house to cover.


Here are some tree suggestions:

Cornus florida   Flowering Dogwoodl 20-30'

Crataegus phaenopyrum  Washington Hawthorn 20-30'

Amelanchier x grandiflora  Serviceberry  15-20'

For shrubs:

Morella pensylvanica  Bayberry 10'

Vaccinium corymbosum  Blueberry 6-10'

Viburnum x 'Conoy'  3-4'

Cotoneaster apiculatus (there are many Cotoneasters to choose from!)

Cornus sericea Twig Dogwood

Ilex verticillata Your good selection!  (there are dwarf forms and the regular tall form)  Be sure to get male and female.  Only 1 male        is needed to fertilize all the females and he is not going to have berries.


I don't know whether your home is two story or one story, but depending on where you plant the trees, these trees should be okay.  Google the names above and select what fits and appeals to you.  Blueberry bushes are a source of food for us too, also have pretty flowers in the spring and great fall color.  Birds will enjoy the fruits of all the above.

Mountain Laurel is not a full sun plant and I suspect you now have full sun.  The Cedar is good for berries,  but I am worried about the height.  



  • Last Updated Feb 04, 2021
  • Views 22
  • Answered By Janet Evans

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