Where is foraging allowed In Philadelphia?

I'm new to foraging and was wondering where around the city I am allowed to forage? How do I learn more about foraging?



We asked Sally McCabe, Associate Director of Community Education (and wise in the ways of foraging) to answer your questions. 

Her reply:

Here are some good resources for Philadelphia:

Wild Foodies.org

Lady Danni's Urban Foraging 101

General information on Foraging:

Foraging Guidelines

PHS Subject Guide on Foraging

If you're just starting to learn, take advantage of anywhere that has green space to hone your skills; spend time with an experienced forager till you get some basic knowledge of what's local, available and safe to eat. But you have to be alot pickier when you actually start gathering for yourself. 

People have mixed views on foraging from publicly-owned lands, since they are, after all, publicly owned.  I feel obligated to tell you that many parks have laws on the books about removing plant material from parks.  But I also know there’s a big difference between entering and leaving the park with a bag vs. walking in with a shovel and scales and walking out with a wheelbarrow full of goodies. I know people who have been ticketed for that.

Is foraging legal at your local park? At the nearby state or federal park? To know for sure, you’ll probably need to ask a park ranger or manager at the specific park you’re considering foraging in. When you do, consider politely asking for the specific written park rules/guidelines pertaining to foraging, because the person may not actually know the rules. 

Also, it should go without saying that you don’t want to forage on private property with “no trespassing” signs unless you have express permission from the property owner. 

IMPORTANT NOTE from a recent Foraging Tour run by the Wild Foodies:"We are exploring & observing edible plants for educational purposes only. We will discuss their nutritional and medical benefits, but we will not remove or consume them as this is prohibited in park lands. Please DO try this at home in your own backyard, but DO NOT try this in the park. Foraging/harvesting from the park’s natural areas without official permission is strictly forbidden.”

Good luck with your journeys, and remember:

"There are old foragers and there are bold foragers - but there are no old, bold foragers." 




  • Last Updated Apr 01, 2024
  • Views 19
  • Answered By Janet Evans

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