I have a backyard with porous pavers that I need a ground cover. Which ground cover should I use?
We have tried grass for a few years but the direct sun and dry weather kills it every year. Is there a low maintenance, no water solution that is walkable and looks nice?
I do not know how much sun you have, so I will give you a selection of possible plants. Google the plant name and read a description and requirements. There is a great variety to select from! All are low ground covers. No matter what you choose, you will have to water to get the plants established, and water occasionally thereafter if we have drought conditions.
Viola labradorica - tolerates very light foot traffic. part sun. Small violet purple flower
Sagina subulata - tolerates light foot traffic, small carnation-like flowers. Sun to part shade
Ophiopogon japonicus 'Nana' - a low grass and fairly strong for foot traffic. Sun
Thymus serpyllum - a strong possibility for your site. Strong plant, low, small flowers, fragrant foliage. Full sun
Herniaria glabra - tolerates foot traffic, full sun, drought tolerant -- another strong possibility